The Risk
Since its inception, MEXE has been organized in a participatory way, having developed, among other devices, forum spaces open to all who want to think and do together. In this context, and as usual, a collective discussion took place from which emerged the triggering theme for the next edition of MEXE – “The risk”.
The last year has been drawing with particular vagueness and intensity. Inequalities and problems that many people used to experience are today aggravated by a pandemic that has shaken the tyranny of certainties. Disrepute in political life, the estrangement of the sensitive and of bodies, the reinforced power of technology, climatic urgencies, social disorientation, the emptying of the public space, and the difficulty in affirming subjectivities dispute the daily lives of citizens. In an environment and space that often seems to lead to a great impasse, the need to live the risk and its multiple facets impels us towards the active concretion of other futures yet to come. What is this risk, virtual and real, that we live in the here and now? What are its contours and nuances? What can this risk potentiate in a constructive way beyond the production of fear, paralysis, blockage, and control? In the field of artistic creation, political action, democratic discussion and community life, confrontation and difference are inherent elements, as much as risk.
Who we are
MEXE is a continuous restlessness that generates improbable encounters
Hugo Cruz
Artistic Direction
Patrícia Barbosa
Executive Direction
Fernando Almeida
Executive management support
MEXE is a deep dive in a space of free creation where everyone has a place
Beatriz Brás
Production Direction
MEXE is our collective utopia that makes us believe that it is possible to reinvent reality and other ways of being together
Maria João Mota
EIRPAC Coordination
Wilma Moutinho
Technical Direction
Sara Cunha
Press Office
Irina Pereira
Graphic Design
Patrícia Poção
João Ferreira
Video Maker
Raquel Pinhão
Patronage and Partnerships
Patrícia Poção
Mexe is life
Alexandra Silva
MEXE is a festival of art and community without barriers
Angela Canez
MEXE is a way of acquiring knowledge
Aurora Mendes
Bruno Boaro
Carina Moutinho
Cristina Queirós
MEXE is a meeting and reunion of people, desires and urgencies. It makes us want to go together to the street to occupy the city.
Inês Lapa
Inês Lopes
MEXE frees us from preconceptions and in it I made discoveries that until then I never imagined I would make.
Irene Oliveira
Juan Cabello Arribas
Mafalda Lourenço
Maria Gil
MEXE is voice.
Maria Vasquez
MEXE is about living community by celebrating it through art.
Mariana Eugénio
MEXE is a space of a thousand and one opportunities, and where great discoveries can be made.
Maribelle Brito
Marília Paredes
Margarida Sousa
Patrícia Queirós
MEXE is a family reunion, like a Sunday dinner
Salvador Gil
MEXE is the interaction of community, art and multiculturalism. It is the junction of several countries in a single meeting.
Sérgio Anjos
MEXE is a travel space, where I could make my journey and make discoveries as an artist and producer.
Vicente Gil