Isabel Bezelga

Thought / Portugal

Isabel Bezelga was born in Lisbon and the A8 in the routes Évora-Lisboa-Évora make her feel from everywhere. She has a PhD in Theatre and is a lecturer and researcher at CHAIA at the University of Évora where she directs the Master in Theatre. She crosses creation, research and teaching in the artistic, educational and community spheres, with a focus on participation and co-creation. The transversal dialogues stimulate her and she participates and organizes academic/professional meetings, where the collaborative mode reigns. She is the author and co-author of several publications in national and international books and magazines. She also develops activities as an actress, trainer, consultant and coordinator of socio-cultural, educational and artistic projects.

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Presentation of the book "Artistic Practices, Participation and Politics2021-09-24 18:00:00PortoSaber mais

Participating in MEXE

• To participate in the actions it is mandatory to pick up a ticket at the spaces where they take place. The following projects are exceptions: Herbário Anticolonial and AS BRAVAS: um manifesto, for which registration must be made through

• Exceptions are the actions presented at Culturgest, CRL - Central Electric, Teatro Carlos Alberto/TNSJ, Teatro Municipal do Porto.Campo Alegre and Teatro Viriato.

• The ticket office will only be available one hour before the start of the performances, at the venue where they take place.

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