Gabriela Moita

Thought / Portugal

Gabriela Moita is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Psychodramatist. D. in Biomedical Sciences, in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Abel Salazar, with the title “Discourses about homosexuality in the clinical context: “Homosexuality from two sides of the mirror” under the guidance of Professors Júlio Machado Vaz and Félix López. Unanimously approved. In 1987 she graduated in Psychology by the Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto and trained as Morenian Psychodrama Director with the Portuguese Psychodrama Society.
In 2003 she receives the Rainbow Prize “in recognition of her contribution to a more open, inclusive and true democracy, based on the valuing of diversity and equal rights,” from Associação Ilga Portugal, an association for the defense of the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons.

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The Risk of Talking: the risk of intimacy2021-09-21 19:30:00PortoSaber mais

Participating in MEXE

• To participate in the actions it is mandatory to pick up a ticket at the spaces where they take place. The following projects are exceptions: Herbário Anticolonial and AS BRAVAS: um manifesto, for which registration must be made through

• Exceptions are the actions presented at Culturgest, CRL - Central Electric, Teatro Carlos Alberto/TNSJ, Teatro Municipal do Porto.Campo Alegre and Teatro Viriato.

• The ticket office will only be available one hour before the start of the performances, at the venue where they take place.

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