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A shadow. A coffee table. The kerb of a step. Meeting places for a possible dialogue between two strangers. To speak. Acting with and on the word, projecting fields of action, desire, and imagination. Talking to a stranger in public space – building possibilities, regenerating public space as a meeting place with the unknown. For 4 days, a group of actors will walk through the Fontaínhas neighborhood, inspired by a glossary of ideas, seeking to dialogue about them, building at each intersection a field of action, resignation and rewriting, in an intimate and unrepeatable 1 to 1 relationship. During 4 days, after the daily drift, the cast arrives at the performance space, where in real time and in performative game, before the presence of the audience, it updates in action and performative relation, the glossary of the initial ideas from the encounters had, allowing that another plural, polyphonic and polysemic text manifests itself and rewrites itself.
Artistic Direction: Catarina Lacerda
Creation: Catarina Lacerda, Diogo Liberano and Rodrigo Malvar
Text: Original dramaturgic writing by Diogo Liberano, it crosses reference authors with the auscultation of diversified groups of citizens, namely residents of Lordelo do Ouro and Fontaínhas, updating the urgencies and pertinences of the current period.
Actors: Sara Neves, Maria Luís Vilas Boas, Vahan Kerovpyan, José Carretas
Production Direction: Paula Silva
Executive Producer: José António Cunha